Colegio Michael Ham
Búsquedas / Materias / Novedades


Resultado de la búsqueda

20 documentos en 0,2 segundos responden a los criterios que formulaste
que contengan las palabras w_QuerybySubject/ DRAGONS en Materias )

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Clasificación Cutter Título Autor Autores Media Copias Disp. Edición
I 8 nAgain Gravett, Emily Gravett, Emily Libro 1 - ENGLISH SECOND2011
421Developing non-fiction skills. Book 3. Jackman, John Jackman, John Wren, Wendy Libro 1 - ENGLISH FOURTH2000
I 8 nDragon of the Red DawnB Osborne, Mary Pope Osborne, Mary Pope Murdocca, Sal (illustrator) Libro 1 - ENGLISH FOURTH2007
I 8 cDragon StoriesB Clark, Margaret Clark, Margaret Robertson, Mark (illustrator) Libro 1 - STORIES FOR TEACHERS1997
I 8 nDragon's Breath Baker E. D Baker E. D Libro 1 - ENGLISH SIXTH2003
I 8 cDragons Love Tacos Rubin, Adam Rubin, Adam Salmieri, Daniel (Illlustrator) Libro 1 - ENGLISH THIRD2012
I 8 cFelix and the Blue Dragon McAllister, Angela McAllister, Angela Smith, Marie Claire (illustrator) Libro 1 - ENGLISH SEOND2005
I 8 nGeorgina and the Dragon Robshaw, Brandon Robshaw, Brandon Libro 9 - READER 5TH, READERS 5TH, READESR 5TH1997
 Herb, The Vegetarian Dragon Bass,Jules Bass,Jules Harter, Debbie (illustr.)j Libro 1 - ENGLISH 4TH2005
 Imagine you're a Knight Clibbon, Meg Clibbon, Meg Clibbon, Lucy (illustr.) Libro 0 - ENGLISH, 3RD2003

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